Outrageous Voices
Spring 2024 Writers' Retreat
When: May 16-19, 2024
Where: About an hour south of Atlanta
Registration for the Spring retreat has closed. To hold your spot, we must receive your payment by April 30. Please mail ASAP if you haven't already.

If you were not able to register for the Spring retreat, we hope you will consider joining us this Fall.
Dates: Thursday, Oct. 17 - Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024.
Fall registration will open on or before Sept. 1.
New location
OUTrageous Voices is moving to a new location this spring. It’s not a state park, and it’s less rustic, less rural than our prior location. Still idyllic, it’s a setting where we can soak in the outdoors but also retreat to air-conditioned comfort in the face of Georgia’s heat and humidity in the month of May.
We keep the location private. Please respect this policy and refrain from sharing the location with others who are not registered to attend. The retreat takes place about an hour or less from the Atlanta airport, depending on traffic. You will receive the address with your payment confirmation by email.
The two types of lodgings are (1) cabin-style and (2) hotel-style, all air-conditioned and accessible, at different prices.
(1) Three cabin options, all the same price:
A large cabin with 5 rooms, each sleeping 4-6 people. No special sleep space.
Loud and Rowdy, where there may be late-night activities. 4 rooms each sleeping 4-8 people and 2 smaller counselor’s rooms designated as special sleep space.
A cluster of 4 small cabins. Each cabin has 1 large room and 1 small room. All rooms may be designated as special sleep space, as needed.
Each cabin has larger sleep rooms with four bunk beds or two bunks and two twin beds. These rooms sleep four people using only bottom bunks or six to eight people when all top bunks are occupied.
Limited special sleep space in the cabins is first come, first served. These are smaller rooms that sleep two people using only bottom bunks. Depending on demand, it's possible you will need to share the room with another person. These rooms will be reserved for those with special sleep needs, for example, those who use CPAP machines or have more trouble sleeping with any ambient noise. Please indicate on your registration form if you require one of the special sleep spaces in a cabin. You may also indicate the name of the person you plan to share it with, if you know.
(2) Three hotel-style options, at different prices:
Private room, not shared.
Private room shared by two people.
Private room shared by three people.
The 24 hotel-style rooms each have two beds, one queen and one twin. The rooms are entirely private and have wi-fi access. The building is accessible. Two of the rooms are ADA compliant and will be reserved for attendees requiring such accommodations. You may request one of these ADA-compliant rooms when registering.
Sharing a room in the hotel-style option
Each hotel-style room accommodates up to three people. Please attempt to have your room-sharing figured out prior to registering. You’ll indicate on your registration form the name(s) of your roommate(s). Each person registers separately and pays a per-person rate. This rate includes your portion of the room cost (one-third or one-half) as well as your meals and swimming opportunities.
If you want to reserve a room but don’t have your roommate(s) lined up yet, you may pay for a private room as though you were not going to share it, and then add your roommates prior to the registration deadline of April 20. Here’s how it works:
• You register and pay the single-occupancy rate.
• Your roommate(s) register separately and pay only for their non-room costs, which include meals and swimming opportunities, indicating that they are joining a room for which another attendee has already paid.
• The retreat cost per additional attendee in a room for which another attendee has already paid is $130, with a sliding scale of $80-$230. For special meals, add $16.
• You will need to make your own arrangement with your roommate(s) if you want them to reimburse you for their share of the room cost.
• Deadline for registering additional attendees has passed.
OUTrageous Voices offers a sliding scale for payment. We’ll tell you how much the retreat costs us, per person, and you let us know how much you can pay. We encourage those who can afford it to pay more than our cost. This offsets losses we might incur when others are not able to pay the full cost. With your generosity, we will meet our goal that no one is turned away because of financial issues.
Included in the retreat price are eight meals beginning with dinner on Thursday. If you would like vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free meals, please add a total of $16 to your payment.
Sliding scale, cabins (price includes meals and swimming)
Cost to OUTrageous Voices: $220 per person
Sliding scale: $170 to $320 per person. Please pay the higher amount if you can. If the low end of the sliding scale is too much for you, indicate on your registration form how much you are able to pay, and send that amount as your payment.
Sliding scale, hotel-style rooms (prices include meals and swimming)
Triple occupancy: Cost to OUTrageous Voices: $237 per person. Sliding scale: $187 to $337 per person.
Double occupancy: Cost to OUTrageous Voices: $290 per person. Sliding scale: $240 to $390 per person.
Single occupancy: Cost to OUTrageous Voices: $450 per person. Sliding scale: $400 to $550 per person.
Please pay the higher amount if you can. If the low end of the sliding scale is too much for you, indicate on your registration form how much you are able to pay, and send that amount as your payment.
Day passes
For those located in the Atlanta area, or staying offsite at another hotel, or staying at the home of friends nearby, we offer $45 day passes to attend the retreat on Friday and Saturday. Each day pass includes one-day attendance at the retreat with lunch, dinner, workshops, readings, and swimming. Day passes do not include breakfast. Saturday’s day pass includes a dance after the evening readings. Day pass holders are invited to join us for Opening Circle at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and Closing Circle at 10 a.m. on Sunday.
Day pass with special dietary requirements: $49. When you register, you'll need to indicate which kind of meals you are requesting: vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free?
Day passes must be purchased in advance. We will not sell day passes on site at the retreat.
Registration for the Spring writers' retreat is now closed.
We MUST receive your payment by April 30.
The retreat location has a dining hall serving delicious, healthy meals. Meals are included in the retreat costs. Our first meal will be Thursday evening and the last meal will be Sunday morning, with breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday. The dining program can accommodate requests for vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free meals for an additional cost of $16 for the weekend. Please indicate your special dietary request on your registration form. We must receive all special dietary requests by April 30. Requests received after April 30 cannot be honored.
We won’t be able to provide a “late night snack” at this retreat, so bring your own snacks!
Special sleep space
Limited special needs sleep space is first come, first served. You must indicate on your registration form if you need special sleep space. In the cabins, the rooms reserved for special needs sleep space are smaller with only two bunk beds or one bunk bed and one single bed, and a private bathroom. Depending on demand, it's possible you will need to share the cabin room with another person. When you register, you may indicate the name of the person you plan to share it with, if you know.
In the hotel-style accommodations, the two rooms reserved for special needs sleep space are ADA compliant.
Included in the retreat price are two swims in the center’s lake, one on Friday and one on Saturday. We can only swim when the lifeguard is on duty.
Airport shuttle
We may be able to offer a shuttle from the Atlanta airport on Thursday and back again on Sunday, on request. To request, please email outrageousvoices@yahoo.com with Subject: Transportation. If available, the service will be free and, if you are able, we welcome a transportation donation.
Retreat schedule
You’ll receive the full retreat schedule when you arrive. Here are the times you need to know in advance so you can plan your travel:
Thursday, May 16
Check-in: 2-4 p.m.
Dinner: 6 p.m.
Opening circle: 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 19
Breakfast: 8 a.m.
Closing circle: 10 a.m.
The retreat will end at Noon
Registration info
Registration for the Spring writers' retreat has now closed.
Payment deadline: April 30. (We MUST receive your payment by April 30!)
>> Don’t wait! As soon as you have registered, put your payment in the mail to:
OV Treasurer, 202 Dancing Fox Rd., Decatur, GA 30032.
Online registration is preferred.
Or register by email and provide all of the requested information in an email to outrageousvoices@yahoo.com. As soon as you have registered, put your payment in the mail (address below).
Or register by mail: Download the registration form here and print, fill out form, mail it to us.
Either way, you need to mail your payment to OV Treasurer, 202 Dancing Fox Rd., Decatur, GA 30032.
When we receive your registration and payment, we will send you an email with details about the retreat, what you need to know and what you need to bring. If you have additional questions, please email us at outrageousvoices@yahoo.com.
How to pay
Payment deadline: April 30. (We MUST receive your payment by April 30!)
As soon as you have registered, mail your payment to: OV Treasurer, 202 Dancing Fox Rd., Decatur, GA 30032.
Payments need to be mailed, so please allow plenty of time.
We can’t accept payments through Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, etc.
Advance payment is required. We will not accept payments on site at the retreat.
We can't guarantee your space at the retreat until we receive your payment.
If we don’t receive your payment by April 30, you will not be able to attend.
Payment method
U.S. Mail: Send a check to OV Treasurer, 202 Dancing Fox Rd., Decatur, GA 30032.
Please make your check out to OUTrageous Voices.
We must receive your payment by April 30.
No refunds after April 1.
Email questions to us at outrageousvoices@yahoo.com.